Kansas Dems Call on Legislators to Lower Costs for All Kansans Immediately

TOPEKA – As the first day of the 2024 Kansas Legislative session convenes, the Kansas Democratic Party (KDP) urges the Kansas Legislature to act quickly and lower costs for all Kansans by swiftly passing Governor Kelly’s comprehensive tax cut proposal into law – and expanding Medicaid immediately.

“Kansans are the hardest workers I know, and they want to provide the very best life for their families,” Jeanna Repass, Kansas Democratic Party Chair, said. “Right now, across the state, we all feel the pinch in our wallets. The cost of milk, the cost of gas, the cost of a doctor's visit – it’s adding up. Democratic Legislators have constantly fought to lower costs for all Kansans through responsible tax cuts and expanding Medicaid. Republican leadership has stood in the way. It’s time the Republicans pull it together and do what’s right for Kansans.”   

The Kansas Legislature can take two immediate steps to help ease the financial burden Kansans feel: 

Implement Governor Kelly’s Bipartisan Tax Cut Plan: Governor Kelly’s plan would save Kansans more than $1 billion over three years. Unlike the other reckless tax plan proposed by Republican Leaders this session – a single tax rate for all taxpayers – this bipartisan plan would cut taxes for every Kansan while maintaining the state’s strong fiscal standing. 

Governor Kelly’s comprehensive plan would:

  1. cut state property taxes for Kansas homeowners; 

  2. entirely eliminate state taxes on social security income;

  3. increase the standard deduction so Kansans pay less when filing their state income taxes;

  4. Immediately axes the state sales tax on groceries, diapers, and feminine hygiene products;

  5. Provides relief for working families in need of childcare by doubling the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit;

  6. Creates a back-to-school state sales tax holiday.

Expand Medicaid: Costs are rising, and Kansans are paying more to take care of themselves and provide for their families. Healthcare is no exception. It’s time to help Kansans get more for their money when it comes to healthcare and bring good-paying jobs to our state. Expanding Medicaid will reduce health care costs for everyone by providing health insurance to 150,000 residents in rural areas, small towns, and cities across the state. Expanding Medicaid will provide coverage to hardworking Kansans and result in much-needed investments in our communities to strengthen our hospitals, clinics, and provider networks.


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