ICYMI: Governor Kelly Announces the State of the State

In her annual State of the State speech earlier this month, Governor Kelly highlighted Kansas’s strong economic growth –– record business investment, a thriving job market, and low unemployment. Due to her leadership, Kansas now has the highest business investment per capita in the country. 

Governor Kelly affirmed her support of children and families. In 2023, Kansas made record investments in our foster care system. This change resulted in the lowest number of children entering foster care than at any other point in the last two decades. The Governor also announced her commitment to fully fund special education and invest in childcare. 

She urged legislators to bring Medicaid expansion to the floor for debate –– an issue that 80 percent of Kansans support. 

In her first term, Governor Kelly cut $1 billion in taxes for families, veterans, homeowners, farmers, and ranchers. The food tax was slashed to 2 percent, putting money back in Kansans’ pockets. She reaffirmed her dedication to working families by calling for a bipartisan tax plan to support the middle class, not the wealthy. 

The Governor reinforced the importance of our rural communities, speaking about the dozens of rural hospitals that have closed and denouncing school vouchers that drain state funding away from public schools, especially in rural areas. 

“The state of our state is extremely strong. Yet again, Governor Kelly proves her excellent leadership by truly listening to Kansans and making change happen,” said Chair Jeanna Repass. “Last year, we saw record growth and investment in Kansas. The Governor’s priorities and follow-through continue to push Kansas forward.”


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